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Dance Salad Festival History & Mission

Dance Salad Festival is a project of the Houston International Dance Coalition (a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization), and is committed to a multi-cultural presentation of diverse dance disciplines at the highest professional level. Dance Salad Festival provides a venue for local, national and international choreographers, across dance disciplines, to present their work to the Houston community in a collaborative-curated performance at the city's premiere theater complex, the Wortham Center.

Artistically, Dance Salad performances are conceived as three carefully woven evenings of dance from well-known and emerging choreographers. All the pieces of choreography, each of the highest professional artistic quality, must stand alone while also blending into the evening as a whole. The performance event in the festival becomes several fully curated concerts that stand by themselves yet link over consecutive days through common invited companies and their works. Dance Salad is a unique idea in dance presentation: a festival within each evening from many international and national companies that would never be seen together anywhere else, an artistically rich evening of dance with each production.

Dance Salad Festival has evolved into a compelling series of international concerts and community outreach programs. The Choreographers' Forum and the film of Festival highlights, "A Touring Taste of Dance Salad Festival are co-sponsored by the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. The Afternoon Student Concert enables high school students to learn more about dance and see the Opening Night dress rehearsal. The Film and Lecture program is presented in schools, libraries and other venues throughout the community all year long.

From Festival Artistic Director, Nancy Henderek

I am particularly happy that this festival reflects the diversity of cultures that are part of Houston through our international and national guest artists invited here to participate.

I travel to many places in the world to gather the beautiful dances that are seen in Dance Salad Festival. I am welcomed everywhere and have become an unofficial representative for Houston in many places. I am invited by festivals and dance companies to see the work presented. Each year more and more groups and individual artists contact me to express their hope that they be considered for Dance Salad Festival and dance companies from around the world consider it an honor to be invited to Houston to perform in the Festival. I consider it an honor to have these wonderful dance artists here in Houston for our Festival.

Festival Artistic Director Nancy Henderek
Festival Artistic Director, Nancy Henderek. Photo by Erik Berg.
Quasar Cia de Danca, Brazil, performing So Close. Choreography by Henrique Rodovalho. Photograph by Lu Barcelos.
Quasar Cia de Danca, Brazil, performing So Close. Choreography by Henrique Rodovalho. 2012 Festival performance. Photo by Lu Barcelos.